Thursday, January 17

goals, Goals, GOALS

The beginning of the new year has had me thinking of goals. Here is a lesson in Jessica 101,  I am a perfectionist. I am very aware of the things I want to work on/ areas I fall short in. What ends up happening is a huge extensive list of all my largest imperfections.  I have come to realize that this method is not effective. While I have much improvement to make, I can not do it in fell swoop. Also I tried to create a goal list that included my tasks so that I could multi-task and cross both things off. I have determined there is a difference between tasks and goals. So this year I have devised a method to the madness. After thinking long and hard, talking with many people, and reading The Happiness Project (thank you Britt), I am ready to announce my system. It is a countdown based system based on the month. It goes like this:

{4} daily habits
{3} weekly things
{2} monthly goals
{1} long term goal

I have also assigned a quote each month to remind me that it is all right to figure things out! Here is what my January goals look like: 

So far, it has been really successful. I am so excited to work on these things and then continue to make things to work on in the future! 2013 has no choice but to be great!

Saturday, January 12

Highlights of 2012

This may be a little late but I love the beginning of a new year that allows me to look at all the things that I have accomplished. This year was a really fun one. I have made some of the most amazing friends in the whole world. I have continued to love and have fun with my family and most importantly I have learned so much about myself. Here are some wonderful highlights of the year:

                                                //Visited Sin City with my best friends//

//Ran the Rex Lee race and spent time with the best sister//


//Enjoyed many beautiful hikes and the great outdoors//

//Started dating Cory G!//


//went to Texas to visit Cory//

//Themed Sundays with my roommates//

//Watched the Beach Boys on the 4th//

//Cory took me paragliding for my birthday//

//saw Wicked in Salt Lake with my family//

// ran a partner mud race//

//visited and had adventures in Wyoming//

I have had many other personal accomplishments. These are the things that are deep inside that we are constantly trying to fix and change. This year has shown a lot of growth and I hope that 2013 has more good things in store!