Thursday, February 21


For anyone who knows me, they know that I LOVE Valentines day. Not just sort of but A LOT! For some reason I love the chance to celebrate well you know, love. Its pink and happy and all sorts of goodness. People always think me strange when I profess my love but honestly it comes in close for second favorite holiday. Call me awful but I may like it more than Christmas....sorry! This may seem like a lot of pressure for my significant other but believe me that is not why I like Valentines. This year, even Cory started getting in the spirit. In one moment he even admitted that he was excited for Valentines. Mission accomplished! A couple of days before Cory told me he was making something. I was a little nervous. Nervous was right. The morning of February 14th I got surprised with the most ridiculous cake I have ever seen. So inappropriate but for some reason he thought it was hilarious. I appreciated the effort. He made up for it by getting me the long awaited Sorel winter boots that I have been dying over for like four months. Then he took me to Park City to Red Rock which is our favorite restaurant. Overall the day was a a wild success!

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