Saturday, October 8

Happy Happy Birthday

Hello friends,
   Yesterday was a very special day. It was my Mom's birthday! She would kill me if I revealed how wise she has gotten {or how many candles were on her cake...} I wanted to take the chance to tell her how much I appreciate her and love her! My mom has been my rock for the past year and a half. Literally the only person that I could be around was her. She has picked me up from rock bottom and helped me heal the entire way.  My mom is so strong and has drive that you could not imagine! I have learned to love life because of her and her willingness to teach me. Everyone who knows her, knows this but that lady is the most creative person on the whole planet.  She has taken so much time to teach me how to develop my own creativity. So here is to you mom. I love you to death and appreciate all that you do for me.

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1 comment:

  1. what the what? did we know that our mom's birthdays are on the same day when we were roommates?! Happy Birthday to her!
