Monday, August 6

What a weekend. #1,#4,#15,#16

This weekend Cory and I managed to accomplish a lot. I better get to cranking out these bucket list things before the summer fades away. The dog days of summer are upon us. We both got done with work and headed up to Spanish Fork with Stephen and Brittany. We also met some other couples up there. It was a late night getting up there but we managed to roast some hot dogs. I got really excited to cook the ones with cheese in the middle. Disgusting, I think not! Cory and I had these hammocks to sleep in and they were so much fun. We woke up in the morning and decided to pack up camp early. Saturday was as follows:
hurry home and shower
day at the Hogle Zoo
hurry home and nap
early release of the nitro circus

Yikes right? All of these things were so great. The zoo was fun and definitely one of those do this every five years kind of thing. Nitro Circus was ridiculous. The tricks they do are insane. I am a little worried because now Cory thinks that he wants to build ramps and jump off everything! I know that I am totally going to get roped into doing crazy things. Hope you had a great weekend too!

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blurry but the best looking camping couple (look close, you might miss us) // everyone- JT //C+J// monkey man // S+B// baby elephant // what the? These guys had homemade tails they wore around // B+J// rocky shores // Did we really come from monkeys? :) // Tibetian prayer flags


  1. those people with the tails?!! ha ha what the? i am dying!

  2. So you probably don't remember me from freshmen year... but I am so excited I just found your blog. I can't wait to read it! Come follow me too:
