Thursday, January 17

goals, Goals, GOALS

The beginning of the new year has had me thinking of goals. Here is a lesson in Jessica 101,  I am a perfectionist. I am very aware of the things I want to work on/ areas I fall short in. What ends up happening is a huge extensive list of all my largest imperfections.  I have come to realize that this method is not effective. While I have much improvement to make, I can not do it in fell swoop. Also I tried to create a goal list that included my tasks so that I could multi-task and cross both things off. I have determined there is a difference between tasks and goals. So this year I have devised a method to the madness. After thinking long and hard, talking with many people, and reading The Happiness Project (thank you Britt), I am ready to announce my system. It is a countdown based system based on the month. It goes like this:

{4} daily habits
{3} weekly things
{2} monthly goals
{1} long term goal

I have also assigned a quote each month to remind me that it is all right to figure things out! Here is what my January goals look like: 

So far, it has been really successful. I am so excited to work on these things and then continue to make things to work on in the future! 2013 has no choice but to be great!

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