Tuesday, November 1

Oh Hallows Eve

Halloween was wonderful this year. It was full of lots of scares, pumpkins, and costumes. To start off the festivities of this weekend, I went to visit Kortni and Jordan in Logan. The three of us have so much fun together. If anyone has seen the show Prison Break, you will relate to the fact that we watched like six episodes (slightly disgusting, I know!) That night I went to the Howl!! Oh my gosh! How do I describe that experience? It was honestly the craziest party I have ever been to. Have no fear though, with my group of friends, it was a blast! Then last night I went to my ward's party. I have danced so much in the past two days, I am counting that as my cardio workout. I truly enjoyed all of the Halloween activities I did this year! Bring on the holiday season!

P.S. I was a rockstar, if you couldn't tell

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