Monday, March 5

I to the HOP

Hello friends. In my Friday post I was curious to see what surprises would come my way. I had no idea that a curve ball from left field would dominate much of this weekend. Long story short this weekend was a bit on the rough side.  So on a much happier and much better note here are some fun pictures. Last Thursday was free pancake day at IHOP!! What a glorious thing right? Four years ago (I can't believe that it has been four years!) a group of freshmen friends and I celebrated free pancakes. I haven't been since and so this year I went with the same group of wonderful people to celebrate it again. Friends are just the best and free pancakes are not bad either.

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  1. I love when places do that. And I'm all for a free pancake! Hopefully your week is on the up and up, bad weekends are no bueno.

  2. i went sophomore year with shalise. i would say next year the three of us should go together but i'm not planning on being in utah next year. AH! ps. lets play soon k?
