Thursday, May 10

a great big THANKS!

This post started out as a thank you to Brittany and it is still but somehow it turned into a walk down memory lane too.  So hang in there champions and watch this wonderful friendship take its shape. Oh yeah, thanks Brittany again for this beautiful blog design.

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Can you believe this is just a sampling of the many pictures that I have of us together.  Oh Brittanica you are so wonderful. I especially love how I can be exactly myself around you. You are so genuine and great. I want to copy everything that you do. Oh dear, I am getting a little teary writing this. I need to go get some chocolate...but Britt you really are great.

Have a great day!


  1. Gah! Jess this is so wonderful! I love looking at all these pictures!

  2. Dear Jess, I'm a bad friend, but I feel like your bday is coming up and i can't remember the exact day. when is it?
