Saturday, April 30

Shoe Are You?

What defines you? I have thought a lot about the things in my life that make me, well me. I was in a chinese restaurant and looked at my zodiac sign. I happen to be a horse, and because I am a horse this means I am well-liked, thrifty, creative, and funny. I am a gemini too which means I am a mirade of other characteristic traits. How do these signs tell me who I am? What if I am not funny or creative( Even though I think that I can be pretty funny sometimes!)? So I asked myself the question..Shoe am I? On my discovery of who I am, what do my shoes tell me? What do the shoes of those around me tell me about them? Well let's see...

Jessica ( God Beholds) + Fay (Faith) + White ( like the color of course)

Kristen (Christian) +Michelle ( Who is Like God)+Milligan

Jake (supplanter) + Douglas + Milligan [Kristen's little brother]

So Kristen and I managed to rope Jake into letting us take pictures of his shoes! He is a total fourteen year old boy and is so awesome! Thanks for letting Kristen and I bug you for many a year! Here is our conversation:
K+J: Jake, Jake let us take some of your shoes, where are they?
Jake: What in the world...
K+J: Jake, it is going to be so awesome, just believe us!
Jake: Uhhhhh....ok
K+J: VICTORY! Oh by the way your name means one who is gaining victory at the advantage of another, just saying!

Here's to the Milligan clan= Milligan + Family!
I am so glad that I have been able to be a part of this family! They are so awesome and fun. I am never bored when I go over there that is for sure!

Stay tuned for more profiles of some wonderful people and their footwear!


  1. Gah! This is such a cute idea Jess!

  2. I just have to say this is the most creative blog I have ever seen!! You are amazing, Jessica~ Hope your feeling better!

  3. i think i have the same soccer shoes as Kristen... weird!
